Q: Can you access the content in the links to the blog(s) and website(s) of all of your group member(s) without the knowledge of your group member(s) user-id and password? A: Yes, I can access the content in the link to the blog and website of my group member without the knowledge of her user-id and password. Q: What do you think about the assignment #3 (how-to video) of all of your group member(s) and what suggestions do you have on his/her work? From 5 marks, how many marks you think your group member(s) deserve to get and why? A: How to video clip of my group members. I think it quite good, she can explain in clear and easy to understand step by step. The people who watch the video can follow the step in the video to do make a website easily. From 5 marks, I think she should get a full score because she tried a lot to make this video although it has some technical error, but I think she's doing well.